Saturday 5 March 2011

Photographic Progression

It would be 1977 before I got my hands on a fixed focus, unbranded instamatic that took 126 cassette film but it was a camera. Surplus to extended family requirements, it was handed to me on semi-permanent loan and so I was able to call it my own. I was chuffed.

Whilst the whole experience of using such a camera lacked emotion, (wind on; raise to the eye; point; press shutter - unsatisfying clicky-thud; job done) they fulfilled the need of the masses who seldom wanted more than just a 'proof I was there' shot. 
My first image out of this camera was just that- a rather chilly Silver Jubilee street party on 7th June 1977.

It will win no awards, it will never make it into the national archive, but it was my next foray into photography.

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