I can remember someone asking me as little as a couple of years ago, "What is a selfie? But unless you have been locked away for two years in an isolated place for some reason, I will not forgive you if you are still asking that question today. But just in case you have suffered the misfortune of not becoming acquainted with the term, according to Wikipedia (...please don't ask...)
"A selfie is a self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a
digital camera or camera phone held in the hand or supported by a selfie
stick. Selfies are often shared on social networking services such as
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter."
And so it was, during my recent visit to Amsterdam, I 'was got' by a selfie obsession too - not with taking pictures of me, heaven forbid! No, I was fascinated by those people actually taking the selfies and yes, I have to admit to taking the odd one or two in the past but not very well. In fact, during the weekend I and my photographer companion lined ourselves up for a quick selfie just for the lark...but I failed completely and utterly! I just couldn't get ourselves nicely positioned in the reversed camera viewfinder and by the time I pressed the shutter button, we were both bored of the whole thing. The picture was so bad, I deleted it and we never tried again, as we both agreed we were much better suited to being the other side of the camera lens.
As with any busy tourist spot today, it wouldn't be long before a selfie-taker would pop up so I just couldn't resist collecting a series of images of these self absorbed tourists. Dam Square truly was busy on this chilly Saturday afternoon, and it wasn't difficult to merge into the masses to take these pictures without even raising the camera to my eye. Thanks to the innovation of the swing-out viewfinders, it is much easier to go undetected whilst capturing these street shots.

You may recall I promised in my
previous blog that I would dedicate
a whole blog to the phenomenon.
So sit back,
scroll down,
and enjoy!
The phones are even sophisticated enough to have a count-down
facility so the cosy, collective grimace can be co-ordinated for the snap taken in front of erm, 'Some fancy building
in Amsterdam, innit!'
Still lining up that perfect shot!
Yoo-hoo!! Love the hats girls!
Of course it is more important to check for the perfect snap rather than to turn around and admire the impressive
Royal Palace.
What seemed like fun at the time...
...has probably appeared on a timeline and become the embarrassing perpetual memory of the weekend away in Amsterdam.
...aaaand still making sure she had all angles covered.
And just to prove it isn't a female-only habit...
Anyone can be in possession of a selfie-stick...
Shhh! I will let you into a secret, I have one!! But I have NEVER used it, nor do I intend to either.
I never bought it, I wasn't given it, it just washed up my way - literally - on a Donegal beach last summer, and I kept it as an object of curiosity.
A sign of the times...the selfie times.