Sunday 1 May 2011

West Cork Countryside

Following the earlier image of the English Countryside, this one by comparison, takes us far west, to Ireland. Sadly, on this overcast and rather breezy May Day, the vibrancy of a different yellow blanket that smothers many of the hillsides here, is somewhat dull.

Gorse, unlike the valuable rape, is in flower for many weeks, and is considered a problem, to the extent where whole hillsides will often be seen on fire, in an attempt to control this prickly problem.

Now that the cold East wind has brought some much-needed rain, I won't be able to enjoy the one lovely thing that the sun encourages from these rich egg-yellow flowers - the scent. If you haven't experienced it, then take yourself to the nearest patch of gorse on a sunny day and immerse yourself in the wonderful coconut-like aroma. Far, far more pleasant than the indescribable smell from the rape fields.

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