Walks out in the country invariably have to involve my canine companion, for exercise (as she will always remind me) is a daily requirement. However, it is a luxury to be able to go out 'sans chien' and I make the most of the ability of stealth on those occasions.They are the days when I purposely go out looking for photographs.
Today was not one of those luxury days but I always try to carry a camera with me anyway, so that I don't have one of those 'If only' moments. Having chosen a slightly different venue for todays ramble, I let mutt have just a little bit of 'let your hair down' freedom before calling her back to my side. Big mistake. Before I knew it I saw a couple of flashes of medium-sized, black and white rumps, closely followed by one smaller black rump disappearing into a thicket. Knowing that the recall whistle would probably scare anything else away, it was my only hope of voicing my displeasure at her actions.
Thankfully, the hours and hours of dog training classes proved worthwhile and she returned breathless, if looking slightly pleased with herself. Lead clipped back on, we then stood quietly for a while, and surprisingly, she made no attempt to bind me. (I think she might have got the message) Suddenly to my right, I was aware of movement. I quickly lifted up my camera and clicked two shots before the animal and myself both realised we were staring into each others eyes. Seconds later, four Fallow deer blew their cover and shot out across the winter field, allowing me the chance for a couple more 'that's all you are getting' shots.

Stealth is not mutts' strongest trait. But don't worry, I am planning to go back... on my own.
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