Tuesday 8 February 2011


Textures feature a lot in Irish life. Today we had a return to 'soft' weather following the beautiful evening enjoyed yesterday, when I had spotted this wonderful sun-kissed, spongy coastal grass. Compare this with the similarity in texture found today on a creature chastised by some farmers. It was not the most happy encounter with this lovely animal and I will leave you to work out where I saw it. 

On a happier note though, today I was able to photograph new life. Only a matter of hours old in some cases and there are more due at any time. Unfortunately I am currently unable to give you the pictures of these delightful new calves, that a proud West Cork farmer was kind enough to allow me to record. Along with this part of the dairy farming cycle, I also observed the equivalent of a bovine pedicure. Three of his ladies were in need of a little attention with their toe nails and it was an experience not to be missed. So I promise to post some pictures of this interesting procedure, upon my return to better technology, as I am sure you wouldn't want to miss this.

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