Monday 22 April 2013

Havergate Day of Discovery

Sunday 21st April
A glorious 6am start from Orford Quay

Eight photographers joined the RSPB events officer and four* photography tutors for the first
Havergate Day of Discovery

Passing by Orford Ness bunkers...

...on a mirror calm River Ore...

...we left Orford behind... the still of the morning.

Arriving at Havergate Island jetty and time to get started...

...during Golden Hour - the photographer's dream.

Starting with a spot of macro photography...

...the early frost was turning to dewdrops...

...the macro photographer's friend.

After a last close look at low-down macro subjects...

 ...attention was turned to the birds and of course, the famous hares.






In the heat of a beautiful April day, Orford disappeared into the haze...

...whilst visiting birds left a trail of evidence.

An afternoon in the hide amassed an impressive list of birds
including this little Egret and not forgetting no 1 Havergate bird, the Avocet

Meanwhile, the hares had been taking things easy...

...until our last half-hour on Havergate when the boxing kicked off, and just before...

...a breeze-stirred homebound journey.

Would you like a chance to experience this unique island and its wildlife?

Places are still available on the April 28th Photographic Day of Discovery.
To book contact
01728 648281

There is also an opportunity for photographs taken by visitors to Havergate, to be included in an exhibition
at the Pond Gallery, Snape Maltings from 5th - 11th September

Jon Evans
(The man with the big lens)

Tony Pick
(The landscape man)

Danny Porter
(The man who can fit almost any camera on a scope)

and me, Celia Bartlett here at Ailec Photography
(who gets you looking really close-up)

RSPB Events Officer
Monika Koch
and here is what some of the visitors had to say


  1. What wonderful photos! I think I like "4" the most!!

  2. Thank you Nick! It seems that one is getting the thumbs up from all quarters. Clever, dem gulls dont ya think?

    Anyway, you'd be close enough to join us on Sunday- still places available! ;-)

  3. Superb pictures better than Countryfile! Great selling Job! Wish I could get there! :-)

    1. Thanks Tony... still time for the June event ;-)

  4. Fantastic pictures, the bunkers in the mist grabbed my attention whilst googling and so came to this page. Wonderful!

  5. love the hangers in the mist but think they are all fantastic


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